Sunlight woke me up. Somehow the curtains couldn't keep it outside. A terrible headache made me groan. I tried to go back to sleep but a weird feeling started to grow and it ended up being so overpowering that had to open my eyes. The room seemed strange. Too strange. I started to panic; this wasn't my hotel room.
"Where am I?" I asked myself trying to find any clues.
It seemed to be a cheap motel room. Furniture was from the 80's and the air was stuffy.
I tried to remember the last night but my mind was blank. Nothing came to my mind. I accidentally touched something that was lying beside me. Not something - someone. My heart started to race. Slowly I turned my head towards this someone. He was still asleep, thank goodness. I had no idea who he was. I had get out of there, but when I started to move he also moved. He placed his arm over me. Then a small thing almost gave me a heart attack. He had a ring. He was married! I was in a motel with a married man. I think I would have started crying if I hadn't been scared of waking him up.
I quietly collected my clothes from the floor constantly checking that he was not waking up. I couldn't find my bra so I had to put my dress on without it. Then I quietly tip toed to the door making sure that I had my purse with me. My car was in the parking lot so I ran to it. I started the engine and placed my hands on wheel. The world around me stopped existing. It was one of those surreal moments that you experience only few times in your whole life. I stared my hand on the wheel and shivered.
"What have I done?" I whispered trembling. There was a ring on my finger.
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